USMNT Fan Not About To Let One Fake Twitter Cancer Scam Stop Him From Reading And Re-Tweeting The Other 400 Fake Insider Accounts He Follows

Saginaw, MI - USMNT fan Jason Phillips stated that he was not about to let one fake Twitter account that betrayed his trust by turning out to fake a Cancer scam and be full of fraudulent, bullshit information keep him from reading and re-tweeting the other 400 fake insider accounts that he follows.


“Ok, so he DIDNT have brain cancer,” stated Phillips to The Nutmeg News. “But maybe he also did and this is all just a psyop! Who knows the truth these days. After all, he did DM me something about how he liked a tweet I wrote a year ago that would likely prove true with a player in the future and that…. MEANS something. This isn’t like Q-Anon, this is more important. To suggest that some people wouldn’t have insider information regarding the evil Machiavellian conspiracy that inundates US Soccer is ridiculous, so some of these people are clearly legit.”

Phillips indicated that despite most of the accounts that he follows being repeatedly and historically wrong over the course of time, that it’s worth following them for the 1 time they are right that makes him feel like he had some kind of insider information.

“Ok, so some of the information was bullshit,” stated Phillips, “but also some of the information might NOT be bullshit. We haven’t gotten there yet, but you never know! Plus, I know that if I follow 1,000 Twitter accounts claiming they are insiders that ONE of them has to be. ITS THE LAWS OF PROBABILITY.”

The Nutmeg News will have more as Phillips gets more insider information that is 100% not true, but that also won’t be provable for over a year which guarantees that he really won’t remember that it wasn’t true.
