Nashville, TN - Nashville SC fan Rhonda Sims stated that she is currently preparing herself for a lifetime of being subjected to the whims of Major League Soccer (MLS) referees.
Image by Okan Caliskan
“Now bear in mind that USL referees are just awful as well and until you’ve experienced the terrible nature of MLS referees with the lack of coverage of the USL you haven’t experienced anything,” stated Ms. Sims to The Nutmeg News. “But I’m really trying to balance out my chakra and allow awareness of the upcoming lifetime of anger to slowly envelop my soul.”
Ms. Sims stated that she spent the last two weeks trying visualization exercises to allow her to experience the tragic sense of ennui that comes with the 14th poorly refereed game that she will watch this year.
“All things flow from the great magnet,” stated Ms. Sims. “I can see the call, I weep for the call, I process the call, I angrily tweet to no one in particular, I angrily post on Facebook, I complain to people I barely know about the call, I feel the feelings of grief, I process this grief, and I do it all over again. Visualization allows us to stimulate the creative subconscious and become emotionally stunted towards the future terrible calls in advance.”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Ms. Sims finds that nothing can truly prepare one for the delight of MLS Referees and VAR.