Fan Concerned That Forward Isn't Showing Enough Quarantine Workout Videos On Instagram

Kansas City, KS - Sporting Kansas City fan Philip Canavaro stated that he was concerned that SKC forward Gianluca Busio isn’t showing enough COVID-19 quarantine workout videos on his Instagram page.

Stating, “the boys need to be prepared when the season starts again,” Canavaro silently judged the athletic prowess of the entire team with his carefully curated Instagram feed.

“Oh sure he is doing the pushup challenge, but I need to see some SPECIFIC drills,” stated Canavaro to the electrical box that he named Anderson during a fit of drunken boredom at 2:00 pm yesterday.

According to Canavaro, the success of the team will be entirely dependent upon these home bound times as he proceeded to scroll through Alan Pulido’s feed to see if there were any rondo sessions in Pulido’s living room.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Canavaro comes up with a strength and mobility training schedule for all SKC players and attempts to comment all of these new workouts to their Instagram pages.
