NPSL Cancels Season To Raise Brand Awareness

The National Premier Soccer League (NPSL) announced that it would be cancelling the 2020 season in order to raise brand awareness around the nation.

“We felt that there was no better time to announce our cancellation as the news of this move would generate a substantial amount of traffic in people figuring out what exactly IS the NPSL,” stated Joe Somebody, director of the NPSL.

“There’s no better time to announce the postponement of our season than right now with a captive audience unable to stop staring at their screens in hope of some kind of glimmer of sanity,” stated Somebody. “Perhaps through this cancellation they will learn about a team they didn’t know about that plays semi-professional soccer 10 minutes from their doorstep that won’t be there in 2021 when the league resumes or folds.”

With interest in anything that isn’t infecting and killing people at an all time high, soccer fans took to the internet to say, “wow, the NPSL!? Ok, I remember that and I think that’s a bummer.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as tens of fans are disappointed with the cancellation.
