Thousands Of Fans Quarantined In Dignity Health Sports Park Under Victoria Block T.I.F.O

LOS ANGELES - Sources indicate that thousands of Los Angeles Galaxy fans have been quarantined under the large Galaxy T.I.F.O display from this weekend as a stray, uncovered cough was heard in the Victoria Block section.

“We had to take precautions,” stated Anna Sanders, LA Galaxy director of health. “Someone heard someone say that someone else in the stands was coughing without covering their mouth or washing their hands and we were forced into action.”

According to onsite witnesses, the Galaxy fans are required to stay underneath the display for 14 days until the incubation period is passed.

“I can’t afford this quarantine,” stated one person underneath the T.I.F.O. “They are still charging us stadium prices for water, food and beer. We are all going to go broke after a few days here.”

According to team sources, the front office will continue offering roving beer vendors in a full tyvex suits with respirators that will offer a CoronaVirusLunch special of a Hot dog and a Michelada for $28 and a CoronaVirusDinner special of a Bacon Wrapped Hot Dog and a Beer/Soda for $43.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as fans wait for the sweet release of getting out of the stadium so they can come back a few hours later for another game.
