Hertha Berlin Fan Of The Last 6 Days Bemoans Bandwagon Bundesliga Fans

Denver, CO - Philip Anderson, a Hertha Berlin fan of the last six days, bemoaned the new bandwagon fans that are coming out of the woodwork to pick a Bundesliga side after it was announced that the league would resume on May 16th.

“If someone has a problem with all this I just point to this tattoo… idea I have if I stick with rooting for this team.”

“If someone has a problem with all this I just point to this tattoo… idea I have if I stick with rooting for this team.”

“I was a fan of Hertha Berlin one day BEFORE we found out that the games would return,” stated Anderson to The Nutmeg News. “I just think that fans should not try to pick a team and just enjoy watching the league play. You don’t need to force being a fan of one team or another.”

Anderson reportedly purchased everything related to Hertha BSC that he could find on Amazon over the past 6 days as he staked his claim to being a long suffering fan of Die Alte Dame.

“My situation is very different,” stated Anderson. “My love of Hertha comes from my lifelong interest in soccer over the last 5 years. It was passed down to me from my father. After all, it was the Irish father at my church who first talked to me about soccer back in 2015.”

For his part, Anderson said he would be welcoming to all the new Berlin fans as he stated, “It’s gotta be difficult to just randomly pick a team like this.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Anderson attempts to figure out which people he really hates by researching what rivalry Hertha BSC has in Germany.
