Soccer Fan Can't Wait To Get Back To His Old Routine Of Living Paycheck To Paycheck And Attending A Soccer Game On The Weekend Where He Can't Afford To Buy Beer

LOS ANGELES - Galaxy fan Paul Alvarez stated that he can’t wait to get back to his old routine of driving a terrible commute in traffic to a job that he tolerates as he attempts to live paycheck to paycheck and attending a soccer game on the weekend where he can't afford to buy beer.

“I can’t wait until we have the option to leave the house and go back to work,” stated Alvarez to The Nutmeg News. “I actually miss seeing some of the people. I’m looking forward to everything…. the terrible health insurance, the monstrous traffic, the sweltering heat on the freeway as motorcycles zip by, checking my phone during my allowed bathroom breaks to see if anything happened to the Galaxy, getting drunk in the parking lot before a game because I can’t afford the beer on the inside…. I just miss it all so much. I can’t wait to get back to normal.”

Alvarez is hopeful that there will actually be a job for him after his company laid everyone off nearly two months ago.

“They said they were going to try to get some of the federal relief money to keep afloat,” stated Alvarez. “I guess if it doesn’t work out I’ll just have to balance driving for Uber, Lyft, Grubhub, Caviar, DoorDash and Postmates with a job at Amazon. I hear they are hiring.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Alvarez gleefully imagines having a water pump break while on his way to work and getting in trouble for not being on time and then slowly realizing he won’t be able to work in the gig economy while he tries to get a part fixed he can’t afford.
