Eager Real Salt Lake Fan Updates Will In Advance Of Home Game

Salt Lake, UT - Typing, “I, Jacob Williams, of sound mind and body,” eager Real Salt Lake fan Jacob Williams began the process of updating his will in advance of the newly announced Real Salt Lake home game.


“Look, this is just in case I go to the game, get COVID-19 and die,” stated the soccer fan. “I’m really excited about the opportunity to go see RSL play with the rest of my fellow fans and I know that these days that means I might actually die.”

Williams, an asthmatic, stated that he certainly doesn’t want to leave his two children without a father, but the lure of a home game with thousands of other fans is just too much.

“My wife keeps saying, ‘oh I don’t think you should go,’ but who WOULDN’T die for some soccer. Plus it’s not like they are having mass outbreaks across the United States among communities and soccer teams leading to cancellations and postponements as the virus continues it’s rampage.”

Williams reportedly left all of his assets to his wife Sarah with the provision that if she becomes ill and dies due to him passing COVID-19 to her that the assets be placed in a trust for his two sons Levi and Warren.

“I’m making sure that I take care of everything. EVERYONE OPEN WIDE FOR SOME SOCCER.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Williams convinces himself that it’s just a bit of throat irritation and not symptomatic of any kind of developing COVID-19 symptoms.
