Ashtabula, OH - Soccer fan Mike Stevens recently advertised on Facebook that he was seeking like minded and passionate fans to help create a supporters group for the new USL side Ashtabula Tabula Rasa FC where the fans can argue about everything and eventually crush Stevens love of the game before he bitterly leaves.
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“I want the excitement of creating something brand new that I will later resent,” stated Stevens to The Nutmeg News. “I know that my local soccer community will help me out and find a way to make my dream of a supporters group that will eventually disappoint me a reality.”
Local fans indicate that they are intrigued with the idea of a supporters group as many of them, “want to take inspiration from all those guys from England,” while others, “want to get all Belgrade with it.”
Stevens indicated that his idea was always about getting together to watch the game with friends, but that he would be open to any direction that was suggested because it will inevitably lead to his ouster many years later.
“In order for me to finally feel like I can resign in disgust, we will need to get this thing started,” stated Stevens. “I’m planning on parlaying my experience in this future supporters group into a completely different avenue when I reconfigure my Twitter account in 4 years to stop mentioning soccer at all and start talking about the mechanics of NFT and bitcoin.”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Stevens begins to wonder what the motivations are of the theoretical people in his theoretical supporters group and whether they align with his vision.