Atlanta United Capo Can NOT, In Fact, Hear Chicago Away Fans Sing

Atlanta, GA - Atlanta United Capo Rod “Thunder” Pearson stated that he could NOT, in fact, hear Chicago away fans sing during their recent game as the two MLS sides clashed during the middle of a global pandemic.


“The question was asked and the question was answered,” stated Pearson to The Nutmeg News. “I stopped capoing for like 2 seconds to try to hear if the 2 Fire fans in the rafters of the stadium were singing, and I didn’t hear anything. I had to start everyone’s favorite chant after that. It’s very sad to see such a historic team have fans who can’t even do a 12 hour drive in a pandemic to see their team play. No passion.”

Our sources in the travelling fans section indicate that the group was a mix of two people sat 6 feet apart who travelled from just outside Marietta to view the game after moving there for work from Chicago over 3 years ago.

“Frankly I’m relived to see that there ARENT more travelling fans,” stated Fire fan Chris Dimico. “People need to take this seriously. As a front line worker I’ve been vaccinated for some time, but honestly I’m relived that there isn’t a huge contingent here today.”

None of this information stopped Pearson from his rant as he stated that he wasn’t too surprised at the lack of Fire fans seeing that Fire did not break any attendance records in their return to Soldier Field. “You get a new stadium downtown, every team needs that. And nobody shows up. I saw a lot of empty seats. Just pathetic, very MLS 1.0 of them.”

The Nutmeg News will have more as Pearson takes to Twitter begging Montreal fans to cross international borders in a pandemic to “challenge them” in the next home game
