Philadelphia Union Mascot Swears Revenge After Brek Shea Removes Cousin From Inter Miami Practice

Philadelphia, PA - The Philadelphia Union mascot “Phang” announced that he would seek revenge as he levied a vendetta against Brek Shea for removing a cousin of his from the recent Inter Miami practice.

“My cousin called me and said Brek Shea forcibly removed him from a field that he had a press pass for,” stated Phang to The Nutmeg News. “He didn’t even check. He will get what’s coming to him, I swear it on the old gods and the new.”

Phang reportedly began his work in the shadows by reaching out to the ACLU to have them file a lawsuit against Shea for impacting the right of the press to be at the game, while simultaneously contacting a Cottonmouth snake named Nico who... "Has connections."

“My cousin Barry has every right to attend the game as a credentialed reporter for the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel,” ranted Phang. “How dare Shea snakehandle him. He was attempting to show his credentials. You can admit your wrong doing, Mr.Shea, or you could get a nasty surprise come May 18th. The choice is yours.”

The Nutmeg News will have more as Phang had to cut the interview short due to a phone call from a Rattlesnake named “Tiny”.
