USL Headquarters In Sponsorship Discussions With ITT Tech

Tampa, FL - Sources within the USL Headquarters in Tampa indicate that there are advanced negotiations going on with the league and the “Education Facility” ITT Tech.

“We think that ITT Technology will allow our less skilled players an opportunity to advance in life by pursuing a career in refrigeration technician or ball-bearing greaser,” stated one insider.

According to those privy to the deal, ITT Tech will become the official education sponsor of the USL Championship and they will offer 2 and a half credits to every player who applies for student loans during the 2023 and 2030 seasons.

“This is really a groundbreaking partnership that far exceeds the opportunities you can get at DeVry,” stated one league insider. “We all know that this will attract the best players from just outside of Cleveland to play in this league if they know that they could also have a future as a diesel mechanic.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as MLS considers a partnership with Grand Canyon University.
