Rec League Roundup: Woman In On Goal Watches Male Midfielder's Shanked Attempt From 45 Yards Out

Des Moines, IA - Nellie Zhang, a forward of Fierce United FC who was in on goal alone and completely wide open, reportedly watched midfielder Chris McMaster’s shanked attempt from 45 yards out as the male player once again sent the ball into the parking lot instead of passing it to her.

“I didn’t see her,” stated McMaster to Zhang as though she wasn’t the player asking for the ball in the first place.

“There was literally nobody around me,” stated Zhang to The Nutmeg News. “He had 3 people in front of him. He looked right at me and shot the ball. It didn’t even look close, just straight over the fence.”

According to friends on Fierce United FC, that marks the 24th time in the last 3 games that McMaster has attempted to shoot the ball from distance instead of passing it to an open female teammate as he remained consistent with his effort.

When pressed about the event more, McMaster said that he, “didn’t know if she had played before and knew what to do.” before putting in his AirPods to begin his, “cool down routine.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as McMaster shanks his one attempted pass to Zhang during the next game and blames her positioning.
