"We've Heard The Fans Loud And Clear," States MLS As They Announce A 54 Game Season Where Every Team Makes The Playoffs

NEW YORK - Executives with Major League Soccer (MLS), today, announced, “We’ve heard the fans loud and clear,” as they rolled out a 54 game season where every team makes the playoffs for 2024.

“According to our survey of fans, what everyone wants to see during the 2024 season are more pointless midweek games during the summer and a season that seems to never end before the excitement of the playoffs comes in like a rushing wave attempting to stave off the season ending stagnation affecting everyone in the supporters group,” stated MLS Public Relations

Sources indicate that the league is bullish on this future for Major League Soccer as they state, “Now the supporters shield will REALLY mean something.”

Fans were apparently over the moon at the prospect of an unending season as they stated, “oh, goddammit,” in exclamation of the new plan.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as MLS adds an additional 5 nationally televised rivalry games in the Rose Bowl between the Galaxy and LAFC in order to pad out the season.
