USMNT Inability To Score Goal 1 Minute Into Game Another Sign Of Berhalter Disaster

Austin, TX - Online sources indicate that the United States Men’s National Team’s inability to score a goal 1 minute into their game against Trinidad and Tobago in the Nations League is another sign of the Gregg Berhalter disaster.

“We are going to miss the World cup AGAIN,” stated USMNT fan Jason Smith. “Berhalter needs to be fired and all the players from the team need to start for Manchester City before we can compete with these nations.”

Fanboy accounts across the globe from USMNTThoughts to USMNTBelifePrayerLife to USMNTAmericanF3lon castigated the team for their inability to score as the fans trotted out 345 different lineups that,“Berhalter should’ve used.”

“We should be ahead 4,000,000,000 to 1,” stated @USMNTDenimManifestDestiny. “I can’t believe this! My entire night of watching this game and looking up instructions on how to access Twitter via a runescape mod are ruined.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as fans perform a strongly worded Tik Tok skit sent to US Soccer illustrating their demands.
