ISC Conference Kicks Off With Breakout On "Funding Your Supporters Group By Flipping Inter Miami Tickets"

MONTREAL - The Independent Supporters Council Conference 2024 kicked off with a breakout on “Funding Your Supporters Group By Flipping Inter Miami Tickets” to a sold out hall.

“Here we see the differences just a few select ticket flippers can make to your bottom line,” stated one anonymous SG member as they detailed out their gross sales.

ISC Members spent 60 minutes detailing the financial benefits to reselling tickets and funding T.I.F.O, community initiatives, and merchandise with the proceeds.

“This was an informative discussion on the financial benefits and windfall of using the Lionel Messi hysteria for our own benefit,” stated one anonymous ISC attendee. “I can really see how we can use the fact that lunatics will pay 30x over face value to further the purchase of a new drum.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as ISC members report back on the breakout on excessive drinking held at the Milky Way bar.
