New York Derby Fight Reminds Man Of Fictional Past

NEW YORK - The recent fist fight that pitted NYCFC fans against RBNY fans before the May 21st game at Yankee Stadium brought to mind a fictional past that Mr. Gerald Henderson, formerly of Massapequa, cobbled together from reading Among The Thugs, Running With The Firm, Soul Crew, The Men In Black; and simultaneously watching Gangs of New York and Green Street Hooligans.  


"I was swinging against 20 of 'em. Big lads, sturdy as oaks, we fought in the financial district, and all around Wall Street. My god what a ruckus," stated NYCFC fan Gerald Henderson to The Nutmeg News on Monday. 

"We fought a running street battle to protect our turf and claim what was ours, from the gentrified street corners of Gramercy Park to the gentrified street corners of Williamsburg to the gentrified street corners of the East Village. It was an almighty battle, but this was back in 94 before lads got soft and CCTV cameras were everywhere."

Reportedly, Mr Henderson, in 1994, was living in his parents basement on Fox Blvd by the St Rose of Lima church in Massapequa but that doesn't stop him from misremembering his past as an epic homage to 1980's style hooliganism that has popped up between NYCFC and RBNY fans.

"The streets ran red with the blood of the innocent and no one was spared. I remember Big Steve pounding in the face of a Red Bull fan with the sole of his trainer. I mean, this was the heady time before we knew what the old bill would do to us if they threw us in the brig, but they were good days with good lads."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr. Henderson continually forgets that these teams have only played against each other for two years.
