"No Politics, Bro," States USMNT Fan In Flag Cape

San Diego, CA - While attending the recent Serbia v United States friendly, USMNT fan Derrick Smith stated, "no politics, bro," while wearing a flag cape and a Back To Back World War Champ t-shirt.


The Nutmeg News spoke with Mr. Smith after the game was over on his opinion. 

"No politics, bro. No politics. Like, you know... bros want to make sure we keep MERICA and those boys sharp! We can't have anyone in the stands protesting, or talking bout politics. Let's just keep rocking these Stars and Bars of red white and blue." 

After a tense weekend with national protests aimed against a perverted executive order by President Trump, Smith was reportedly ready to kick back, drink some brews and watch some live soccer with his friends.

"Yeah, we are here for the party! The tailgate, bro! I saw a guy making protest banners and I was like, 'why, bro?' We live in the greatest country in the world. Don't bring me down. We don't need no refugees on the field. We just need merica. So yeah, no politics. Go MERICA! GO MERICA! Love it or leave it, assholes! Let's bomb Serbia back to the stone ages with our freedom and our goals. Hell yeah! You believe in Jesus, bro?"

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr. Smith angrily tweets about people without jobs making his commute difficult.
