WASHINGTON - Soccer parody account @BenOlsensBlazer finally gave up trying to post as the sentient blazer of Ben Olsen and posted pictures of his trip to wine weekend in Solvang, California, on Friday.
Rob Carr — Getty Images
The mastermind behind the parody account is Steve Jones, a 29 year old DC United fan and Kaiser Permanente policy manager at the Capitol Hill Medical Center.
"I thought it would be funny to tweet as Ben's blazer. It was a lot of fun for a while, but I just lost interest in it after a year or so."
Jones then slowly began incorporating his own life into the twitter account, first by accident and then secondly by boredom as the veil between @BenOlsensBlazer and his own life began to lift.
"I just didn't have the time to switch accounts, and honestly... I got a lot more interaction with the 1100 + followers I have on my parody account than the 100 followers I have on my personal account."
The illusion was finally gone as Jones posted pictures to @BenOlsensBlazer from his, "Wine Weekend," trip to Solvang, California with his fiancee Jessica.
"No one cared," stated Jones. "I think they've all just come to accept that the blazer is dead. Hell they probably don't even see the twitter handle anymore."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as more parody accounts are created on twitter only to be abandoned after a month or two due to being painfully shit.