Local Newspaper Sports Writer Almost Considers Writing Article About Soccer Team

Minneapolis, MN - Local sports writer Andy Brusard was apparently so bored on Wednesday that he considered writing an article about the upcoming Minnesota United playoff game before deciding to file a short story about the 1991 season of Kent Hrbek.


“Hrbek played 132 games that season,” stated Brusard to no one in particular. “I’m not about to spend most of my day trying to learn about a sport that I regularly shit upon for the last 20 years before it became locally popular without me realizing it.”

Fans of Minnesota United say that it’s not that surprising as Brusard’s paper has religiously ignored soccer in the local area for more popular sports like Basketball, Baseball, Football, and the Minnesota High School Mock Trial State Tournament.

“Yeah, I just stopped looking,” stated Minnesota United fan Jeremy Williams. “It’s probably cyclical but if I know they aren’t going to give a shit about our team, then why would I go to that paper in the first place.”

For his part, Brusard was adament that no one cares about soccer as he stated, “We are talking Chili Davis and Kirby Puckett, here. Not any of those odd sounding names in soccer. Everyone knows that no one cares, anyway.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Brusard writes a condescending preview of the game after being ordered to do so by his editor and immediately cleanses himself by watching old videos of Kevin Tapani.
