“At Least Our Owner Only Financially And Publicly Supported The Mayor Of Portland Who Ensured My Friends Were Beaten, Tear Gassed, And Shot With Rubber Bullets” States Timbers Fan

Portland, OR - Timbers fan Peter Andrew stated that, “At least our owner only financially and publicly supported the mayor of Portland who ensured that my friends were beaten, tear gassed, and shot with rubber bullets,” as he read the recent news about Dell Loy Hansen

“It could be worse, he could be publicly saying the things that owners say behind the scenes, but instead he says all the things I need to hear to keep myself a season ticket holder.”

Andrew stated that he personally knows friends who marched for racial justice downtown only to be gassed by the police as they preemptively declare an unlawful assembly in order to rush in and hit protesters with batons.

“If Merritt Paulson wants to financially support the man whose nickname is Tear Gas Ted then who am I to complain. Look, it’s fine, I bought a water filtration system because the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is worried that the massive amount of cs gas the police launched downtown has possibly leaked into the watershed. But that’s ok, because the season ticket prices are low and who am I to complain which Mayor the owner of the Timbers supports.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Andrew continues to convince himself that everything is fine every season around season ticket renewal time even if people are being maced from trucks as the police watch on.
