Man Fondly Remembers Time When Legend Wasn't Complete Piece Of Shit

Des Moines, IA - Soccer fan Harry Leonard spent part of his day Friday remembering back to the time when his favorite player and team legend wasn't a piece of shit.


"Oh how I do long for the glorious days of yore when I didn't have to know that he was an asshole," stated Leonard to The Nutmeg News. “He used to be cool, real cool like. Instead, now, it is vaguely racist stuff just loose enough to be written off by people who don’t pay attention as trolling even though it isn’t trolling if you constantly do it all the time every single time. I wonder what changed. Or was he thinking these thoughts all along? I don’t know, it’s just tiring.”

Leonard wistfully queued up grainy YouTube highlights as he took a trip back down memory lane before he knew the intimate thoughts of his favorite player.

“Maybe it was because I was 13 and I just needed someone to look at as an idol, but this just cuts me to the bone. I excused it as trolling and being argumentative for so long, but now it’s clear that he is just an egotistical piece of shit. I’m so disappointed.”

Leonard began to cry as he said, “I have all of his jerseys, I wore it to a game once and someone pointed out to me how he sucks as a person now. I screamed that I knew, he’s now a constant reminder of my own ignorance.”

The Nutmeg News will have more as Leonard continues his week long debate of whether now is finally the time to block him on social media.
