National Nightmare Finally Over As Chicago Fire Announce Logo Change

CHICAGO - People of all walks of life rejoiced, today, as the long national nightmare is finally over with the announcement of the Chicago Fire changing their current logo.


“I’ve been depressed about what this meant for our country for the past year,” stated Fire fan Tommy Jones. “What does it mean for this country, for the people who live here when we have a logo this bad. It was just a true national tragedy.”

The Chicago Fire indicated that they would be looking for help from the national fanbase of the team in order to create a crest that would reflect the identity of their location, fans and team.

“Thank god,” stated a celebrating Phil Bondarenko. “We’ve been living under a dark cloud that would not dissipate this last year and three months. This is who we are, as Americans, and finally…. through our struggle and our efforts… the long national shame of our great country has been lifted. THANK GOD ALMIGHTY!”

The Nutmeg News was able to speak to a socially distanced block party of one that were out celebrating the decision in the street and the individual stated, “I’m going to take Saturday off in celebration! Granted, I already get Saturday off, but is time for a celebration!”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the Fire front office immediately regrets involving the fans in this decision.
