USMNT Draw Proclaimed A Huge Victory For Angry US Soccer Reply Guys On Twitter

INTERNET - Angry US Soccer Reply Guys claimed a major victory as the United States Men’s National Team drew 0-0 against England at the 2022 Qatar Dead Migrant Worker World Cup.

“I’ve never been so happy to have so many of my preconceived notions about this team come true,” stated @AmericaFirstEagleUSMNT. “This just proves that GGG is GGGONE if he was (mls sucks) with a better team (mls sucks) or a better management and MLS Sucks.”

Sources indicate that United States Twitter was overrun by reply guys, self nominated pundits, podcast hosts and youtube talking heads who immediately took to the internet to voice their opinion on how to fix everything wrong with the team’s implosion and/or tell everyone else that this was a great result.

“We saw a massive spike of people complaining to other people about the players both being good and being bad and the manager being both good and bad and the federation being bad,” stated one online researcher. “The consensus was that other fans needed to know that this was a great terrible result full of great and terrible moments that somehow these other fans that needed to know that everything was good and bad at the same time heralding the dawn of a new era and also the decline of the sport locally until everything gets fixed. This corresponded with people replying to other people saying Major League Soccer sucks and others rebutting that statement by saying that Major League Soccer is the best, other than England, Germany, Italy and parts of the Dutch league.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Colorado Springs USMNT fan Daniel Anderson takes time to proclaim that the US is the best nation in the world.
