Birmingham Fan On Record 42nd Retelling Of Missed Handball Call In US Open Cup Game

Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Legion fan Dale Williams was reportedly on his 42nd retelling of the missed handball call in the US Open Cup game against Inter Miami as he gathered his fellow employees around the break room to hold court.

“So there I was,” stated Williams as he began to wax poetic about the egregious miss by the referee, “And I tell you what, I could not believe that I could see it and he could not. I was sitting as close to you as I was to the handball. We all knew. Hell, he knew. Oh you know he knew what he knew and what he didn’t know and what he didn’t know was what we knew.”

Sources say that Williams began his record breaking streak retelling of the situation in the game that denied his team the ability to take a penalty kick in the parking lot of the stadium as he left.

He reportedly continued telling the story to literally every single person he met as he continued to express his disbelief that the call wasn’t made.

“This guy used to tell me that soccer was for losers,” stated good friend Andrew Bates. “Now he’s talking about how they need to implement VAR. What the actual hell is VAR?”

For his part, Williams expressed disbelief again at the events of last night as he stated, “They had to be paid off. Had to be.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Williams begins cataloging which referee is officiating which game so he can keep track of when he needs to be pre-upset and boo the official on the field.
